Webinar “Lower costs and risks through structural improvement of the global production and supply network”

How can manufacturing costs and TLCs be massively reduced while simultaneously increasing the resilience and agility of the supply chain?

This webinar is free of charge!

The topics of supply chain design and the global production network or global manufacturing footprint (GMF) are currently back at the top of the agenda for many companies. The reasons for this are the massive increase in geopolitical risks and the ongoing disruptions in global supply chains, including long-term supply bottlenecks. Added to this are Germany’s serious structural weaknesses, particularly with regard to wage and energy costs, a shortage of skilled workers and bureaucracy, which are massively increasing the pressure on Germany as a business location.

Are you familiar with this?

  • Our production and supply network has grown historically and we have no clear design principles.
  • We need to improve our cost structures and also switch to suitable low-cost countries in order to remain competitive.
  • Our global locations do not yet have clear roles and capability profiles.
  • We need to reduce product costs by localizing development competencies.
  • We need an improved China set-up to cope with the current changes.
  • We need a clear strategy for the risk management of our supply chains.

Discuss with us how you can systematically redesign your production and supply network to massively increase the efficiency of your supply chain and reduce costs and risks.


Karsten Schaaf
Managing Partner

Marcel Kortenbrede
Business Consultant


April 25, 2024
2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Web Session in MS Teams
E-Mail: marketing@redpoint.teseon.com
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