News Schlagmann Poroton produced Germany’s first climate-neutral brick.
Schlagmann Poroton, a leading brick manufacturer in southern Germany, is a customer of REDPOINT.TESEON AG. With the Poroton-T7 Schlagmann produced the first climate-neutral brick in Germany.
At this year’s BAU in Munich, brick manufacturer Schlagmann received the corresponding certificate from TÜV Nord. Schlagmann thus enabled the construction of sustainable, climate-neutral houses in solid construction. “Environmental protection, climate change and biodiversity are everyone’s concern. We do not just want to talk about climate protection, but as a manufacturing company, we want to set an example and take a step ahead, “explained managing partner Johannes Edmüller, who accepted the certificate.
REDPOINT.TESEON AG has supported Schlagmann Poroton since the end of last year in the stock analysis and optimization of the strategy process